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Hi, I'm Sarthak 👋


A passionate Frontend web developer, interested in building stunning designs. I am also an avid UI/UX and Backend development admirer, and I am planning to learn it in upcoming weeks.

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Hello there! I'm Sarthak, a Frontend web developer based in Bihar, India. I wake up in the morning, grab a cup of coffee, open up my laptop and build things that live on the web all day, everyday.

People who know me say I'm obsessed, that's fair, I am very driven, and love to learn and implement new things.

Few Months back, I created a Gym Website, which was my first Frontend project.


  • JavaScript
  • TailwindCSS
  • CSS
  • HTML
  • C
  • C++


Following are some of the projects which helped me a lot in my development journey.These were the projects through which I learnt the applications of many concepts, which otherwise felt cumbersome to me.

To-Do List

To-Do List

To-Do List? huh? Who makes such projects nowadays? "I want to learn React, JS is not that important!"

I have done many mini-projects on JavaScript but the Project that helped me to cover the concepts of those mini-projects in a combined form was this To-Do List. It helped me to clear many JS concepts like Form controls, Async and Awaits, Local and Sessional Storages.


Responsive Navbar

Responsive Navbar

Responsiveness is the key to make user-experience better!!

This was one of my first miniprojects in which I applied JS, and learnt how to make a responsive navigation bar. For me, initially, It was mindblowing seeing the mouse clicks interacting with the hamburger menu, which also acted as a catalyst to push me to learn javascript in depth.


Blood Sweat and Muscles

Blood Sweat and Muscles

When you feel like you can't , You should definitely do it!

This was the first project which I made all by my own, the designs and all other things. You may have noticed that I used the hamburger menu from the responsive navbar miniproject in this project.I have also made sure to make it fully responsive. It took me 10-11 whole days to make this. You might be thinking what was the result of sinking in this much time? Well, I learned to use CSS correctly. That's all!


Little Taco Shop

Little Taco Shop

Hungry? Grab a Taco!

This Was my first HTML/CSS project, This projecct helped me to understand Tables, some CSS that now I keep onn fingertips, and introduced me to CSS animations(Thanks to Dave Gray).




See me flex my skills :D

This project was very exhausting for me. But It helped me to learn some real nice JS. I also learnt how to organize my CSS. I also revised Grids through this project, Learnt to implement CSS variables correctly, learnt to use as less colors as I can, Learnt to Implement Dark Mode.


Random Quote Generator

Random Quote Generator

In need of motivation? I'm Here!

A basic JS app through I learnt how to use Fetch API


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